Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Vision Board - Review by Joyce Schwarz

The Vision Board: The Secret to an Extraordinary Life is an apt title for this book.

The Vision Board is a book to help people in all aspects of their lives with exercises and education about the use of visioning and an area in the back of the book for taking notes about the exercises and anything else you’ve learned or noticed along the way in this guidebook.

A step-by-step guidebook on how the use of visioning, and vision boards can lead you through the law of attraction can help you reach your goals and achieving what you desire for yourself in the process. Vision boarding is much like the “Power of Intention” by Dr. Wayne Dyer. The difference is that this book will guide you through the process with simple but effective means to help you achieve your goals with exercises and anecdotes about celebrities that have achieved their goals using vision boarding techniques.

Vision Board shows how to create and use the technique of boarding in your life to attract what you desire. This will work in all aspects of your life from personal to relationships, to wealth and well-being.

Joyce has written a wonderful book that can lead you to the kind of life you desire, and helping you find out what your true desire really is. Through the art of visioning, you can attain it.

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