Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Strategic Career Engagement: The Definitive Guide for Getting Hired and Promoted

By Stoney deGeyter

Strategic Career Engagement is relevant for anyone looking for a job at a small business or corporation. This book is more than just a guidebook. There are concrete examples of qualifications that make candidates competitive for open positions, like how to interview so that you appeal to the hiring manager.

Anyone looking for a job or working online will find a plethora of information on his or her personal career platform -- an important factor for finding a job or building an entrepreneurial brand. Also within the pages of Strategic Career Engagement are resources that candidates can search to learn more about topics like improving their resume.

If you are a job seeker or business owner, I recommend that you add a copy of Strategic Career Engagement to your business library.

After reading Strategic Career Engagement, this reviewer awards five out of five stars to Strategic Career Engagement and a must read recommendation for any job seeker or entrepreneur.

Robert Medak

Freelance Writer, Blogger, Editor, Proofreader, Reviewer, Marketer

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