Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Is She Naturally Thin or Disciplined?

Insider Secrets of the Sexy and Slim!
By Sally Shields

Is She Naturally Thin or Disciplined? Contains the story of real women giving their insights on maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and weight in age groups from 20’s through the 60’s.”

Within the pages of “Is She Naturally Thin or Disciplined? You can read how women have found what works for them in maintaining a healthy weight and lifestyle so they are productive in their pursuits in various professions.

You will learn about the contributors’ food choices, exercise choices, and how they manage an ideal weight. The contributors range in age from early 20s to 60s. Each has found a plan that works for them.

The gist of the contributors’ plans, are good food, plenty of water, and exercise.

If you are tired of battling with the yo-yo weight problem, Is She Naturally Thin or Disciplined? May just be the book for you.

This reviewer is of the opinion that this book is not just for women, but is for anyone wanting to shed the extra pounds and keep them off.

Is She Naturally Thin or Disciplined? Receives five stars of out of five with a must read recommendation.

Robert Medak
Freelance Writer/Editor/Reviewer

1 comment:

  1. Great blog. Keep it up good work.
